Great to be sharing the “Cyber Academy” model being piloted at Boneo PS with partnering Schools, ACS and Fortinet.
Today we shared with schools how we plan to include Software Engineering as an offering to schools via RTL’s Adopt an Engineer model.
Our mission is to inspire young people to take up careers in STEM. This includes helping schools develop STEM Capability in Students and Teachers. We could not do this without the willingness from diverse stakeholders keen to collaborate.
Today Principals and STEM Leaders from Boneo PS, Cornish College and Benton Junior College met with staff from Fortinet and Australian Computer Society Board Members.
We look forward to sharing updates on how this exciting collaboration with Real Time Learning will broaden the upskilling of Students and Teachers in STEM. This specific initiative will focus on all things Cyber to include Networking, IoT and Cyber Security.
Thank you to all those below that joined us on this new exciting adventure.
Anshul Aggarwal, Adam Clarke, Mark Deutscher, Andrew Rolfe, Kevin Daly, Russell Kerr, Alon Manker, Mandy Whitworth, Antonia Scandizzo, Andrew Doodson, Kieran Nolan, Grant Gains, Jodie Brasher, Nicola Forrest, and Lucas Johnson