Amazing work/learning taking place over the school holidays at AI Cubed Academy!
Thank you Charlie and Dion for sharing the collective work of your team with members of RTL and interested potential engineering facilitators.
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Thank you Charlie and Dion for sharing the collective work of your team with members of RTL and interested potential engineering facilitators.
It was great to be out celebrating with a team of young engineers who have contributed immensely to Real Time Learning inspiring countless young people along the way.
Once again students from Monash Motorsport generously took time out of their busy schedule at Auscomp to share their passion for Motorsport and Engineering.
More than 30 Teachers representing 16 Schools joined us to explore ways to better engage students in Maths and STEM through technology.
It is always great to see former RTL Alumni now working in roles post uni.
I’m borrowing a phrase from Chantel Collins, “a pathway in Motorsport is best achieved through Education, Experience and Networking”.
A huge shout out to Year 9 Students, Esther and Aiddy for helping Charlie Cheng from AI Cubed Academy share their lived experience and passion for First Lego League.
It was a privilege to spend the day with Charlie Cheng from Ai Cubed Academy at MACS amazing STEM MAD.
Above, Russell Kerr, Founder of HOL celebrates alongside two Hands On Learning Alumni.
Thank you Adrian Feeney for your ongoing passion for SAE and for Formula.